We are calling it "Idea Media"
It all started with providing trust to the broader team about them being stakeholders in the organisation’s good and future through suggestion boxes.
It led to development of Kaizen when more focus was given to improvements which company wide people could suggest in process manner.
And till now we also had idea capturing by a team of innovation led thoughts where additionally digital submission was sanctioned.
We really know that now time has come for it to be socially shared in a much more open way of creating an idea culture.
current practice
We know that today startups are the thing and companies have to become more startup like.
Traditional ways of giving rewards is not on the minds of the new generation. The organisation led idea evaluation is over.
Today the organisation is employee led. What is needed is an allowance of this new nature of the world to be what it is.
We know employees won’t complain that ideas are not being converted as fast as they are coming in.
And that puts you ahead of anybody who isn’t doing it.
We also feel that competence and understanding the LEVEL 4 AND 5 of Maslow’s heirachy of needs starts being addressed through CYNTHIA.
And we work towards solutions which will address other needs and wants.