Under Construction
Thoughts become ideas
You allow for more than anticipated growth through openness so that it may happen,
Cynthia does the part about sharing ideas and generally thoughts through each employee's brain wiring,
while you still define revenue, quality goals and north stars to keep things stabilized.
Keep Defining
All the events, opportunities, tasks in the organisation - past, present and future - as they occur and change
These are effects of what you do and need articulation so as to run the organisation on a continuous path
The idea of a knowledge base and information system
Very Small to Medium Organization's
You organization is capable of delivering information through direct communication.
Large Organization's
A central working base of knowledge and addressal to information needs can be sufficient.
Larger Organization's
Personalized knowledge and informational delivery requires modern systems or self sought solutions.
You already do this in multiple ways, and it may be great enough to succeed..
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